Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the country—and that fact hasn’t changed over the last year. But while breast implants are still chosen for their ability to increase bust size, improve shape, and correct asymmetry, aesthetic preferences seem to be shifting. For many years at our Seattle cosmetic… Continue Reading »
Blog: Cosmetic Surgery - Page 12
Fat transfer breast augmentation: Why using your own exercise resistant fat is becoming a popular option for you! Want to increase breast size and reduce a problem area? You can, with fat transfer breast augmentation. This procedure uses your own fat to add subtle shape and volume to the breasts without the use of implants—and it’s… Continue Reading »
Whether you’ve had a breast augmentation or not, keeping tabs on your breast health is a key part of staying healthy. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we’ve created this guide to common breast concerns and tips for keeping your breasts healthy. Step 1. Learn your breast anatomy To effectively monitor breast health, you… Continue Reading »
On the fence about how best to get rid of a double chin? This may help you choose a side: a new clinical study showed that Kybella injections are an effective treatment to reduce fat beneath the chin (a.k.a. submental fat), without surgery. Those who received Kybella were more than 3 times as likely to… Continue Reading »
Excess fat remains one of the primary concerns of men and women in the United States, so it’s not surprising that liposuction consistently ranks as one as the most popular and top-performed cosmetic surgery procedures year after year. Battling bulges: do novel options for reducing fat work? There have been a large number of non-surgical… Continue Reading »