Blog: Body - Page 3

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Excess fat remains one of the primary concerns of men and women in the United States, so it’s not surprising that liposuction consistently ranks as one as the most popular and top-performed cosmetic surgery procedures year after year. Battling bulges: do novel options for reducing fat work? There have been a large number of non-surgical… Continue Reading »

For women of all shapes and sizes, cellulite is a perennial problem. For many, no amount of diet or exercise can cure them of this unsightly issue – even liposuction does not rid the body of cellulite. Fortunately, Thermage, a noninvasive cosmetic procedure, offers an easy solution. This simple, FDA approved outpatient procedure levels and… Continue Reading »

Excessive sweating is an annoying and embarrassing bodily peculiarity that nearly one percent of Americans suffer from. For the worst cases, not even prescription antiperspirants can stop the sweating. Seattle Botox, which is most commonly used as a treatment for wrinkles, is an FDA-approved extra strength and long-lasting anti-perspirant treatment. It is commonly known that… Continue Reading »

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